Thursday, 21 November 2013

Nishanthi's Salon

Last week I went to the opening of Nishanthi's Beauty Salon. Nishanthi was in the first batch of Hair & Beauty trainees. She had previously done another Hair & Beauty course but this had not given her much practical experience so had not lead to a job, and she had never had a job before doing the Hair & Beauty course. After completing the course she started working from home, doing bridal dressing and managed to save up enough from this, along with a bank loan, to build a small salon just outside Badowita. She was given a small loan of Rs 15000 from Asha to help with a few of the finishing touches, such as buying a chair and a sink for the salon.

Cheryl, who runs the Hair & Beauty training, has been continuing to support Nishanthi, and gave her some top-up training before the salon was opened.

The salon opening was really lovely and many of Nishanthi's friends and family had come to support her. Kiribath was served, a celebratory dish, and a traditional lamp was also lit. Nishanthi then performed her first haircut in the salon, on an aunt of hers who had been particularly supportive. After this Nishanthi was blessed by her aunt in the traditional way, using Betel leaves, and the opening then turned into a bit of a party.

Nishanthi is hoping that once the business does well she will be able to employ one or two of the other women who have completed the Hair & Beauty course.



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