Sunday, 14 April 2013

Suba aluth awuruddak wewa!

Or Happy New Year!  

Today is the Singhalese and Tamil New Year here, one of the biggest celebrations in the Sri Lankan calendar. It is a time of renewal  and to look forward to the year ahead so what better time to give some news of what has been happening with Asha Trust recently and plans for the future?

A project close to my heart, supporting those with disabilities in Badowita, continues to go from strength to strength.  We currently have 2 very committed ‘lead teachers’ from the RCCI planning and implementing the sessions and they are doing a fabulous job.  Kumar, our recently appointed physiotherapist, has also been doing an excellent a job of making his presence known in the community and as a result we have had more families come forward for support.  

We have also ‘organically’ acquired a parent advocate for the project.  She is the mother of a boy with a learning disability who attends the sessions and has always shown enthusiasm for them but over the last few months has become a valuable asset. She not only reminds all the families in the area about the sessions, she also goes and collects some of the children if parents are busy and also supports the teachers and physiotherapist with outreach visits as she knows the area well.

Aruna with Kumar, the physiotherapist
Outreach visits continue at the sessions on a Saturday for those who are at the moment unable to regularly come to the centre itself.  

One young man who has benefitted hugely from this support is Aruna.  Aruna has cerebral palsy and was confined to his bed most of the day.  He is cared for by his grandmother most of the day, who at 90, is rather frail so is limited in the support she can give him.  The teachers at the centre have been teaching him skills to encourage more independence, the physiotherapist has been helping with his physical development and Aruna is finally managing to show us what he is capable of!  Years spent confined to his bed has meant that most who met him considered he was not capable of anything else but the team who run the disability project are encouraging him to engage with them, make choices about activities that he wants to do, drink and eat independently and to stand up! The progress made has encouraged his family to follow through with educational activities and physiotherapy exercises.   At present we are in the process of planning for some physiotherapy equipment at the centre and once this is in place, the plan is for Aruna to access support at the centre itself. 

Now that sessions run weekly for those with disabilities the next step is to expand to support during the week as well. We also have to be mindful that we don’t want this group of people to be separate from other activities in the community centre and are working to further encourage integration there.

As for the employment training that has been provided for young people, we have recently had our second group of hair and beauty students finish the 3 month course.   11 young women completed the course and we had a celebration in the centre where the trainees were given their certificates.  As usual, this was a lovely occasion and again it was quite clear what a difference this training made to those who participated.  Many at the beginning of the course were planning to work from home once they had completed the course but over half now have decided that they want to work in salons so Cheryl and Maleena, the course leaders are busy supporting them with finding jobs!

The second group of hair and beauty students complete the course!

Finally, Mrs V, who has been unwell for several months following an accident, is back at the centre and slowly getting involved with the activities that take place there.  Those who have visited the centre will know what a key figure she was and we all missed her when she was unwell and are thrilled that she has made a good recovery.  Mrs V is helping with the disability sessions on Saturdays at present and as to be expected, is a great support.
Plans for the next few months include sorting out the garden area at the centre, starting computer classes and income generations schemes for unemployed people in the area – exciting times ahead!


Some of the children that attend after school classes at the centre with Sister Concepta, Rosemary and Indika

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