Saturday, 14 July 2012

Rosalind's Blog!

I heard about Asha Trust and the amazing work they do over here in Sri Lanka through friends and family who know Radhika & Steve. Its an brilliant fund which helps young Sir Lanka children with their english education and run a after school club which enables them to learn how to work together, play together and general learn people skills. On top of this, the charity helps the children to stay off the streets and out of trouble giving them something to do as well as looking forward to going to school.

I've always loved the thought of people helping others and that sense of self achievement and encouragement, and this trip has made that for me. We first came to Sir Lanka 5 days ago and started our helping straight away. I can't begin to tell you how surprised I was about the children's attitudes towards learning about new topics such as animals, colours shapes and numbers, as well as the different continents in the world. They all are so eager to learn and do there best, a simple thumbs up from me or one of the other leaders brings out huge smiles and joy to them! The one thing I love seeing is the use of our simple resources we brought with us on this trip, this almost pushes them further to want to answer the questions we've ask or point out what they already remember the day before. Even the school children are helping me out with my communication and use of Sir Lankan words, I can happily say I've learn how to say their schools name after many many attempts during the week, and how to say sit down, line up, stop and learn songs from the Sir Lankan culture! They are helping me as well as I am helping them.

Being here has been a wonderful on going experience, the children are lovely! The chitter chatter amongst them all as we enter the school everyday, getting to know the boys and girls day by day which for me means going to the school all the more exiting. To only think that its been 4 or 5 days we've been helping out and already I've hopefully achieved so much!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Its so nice to see all the children i worked with and you Rosalind have gained so much in a few days can,t wait to see all the pictures see you,ve met Tarika.