Monday, 1 August 2011

Eliza on her first day at the school

Today was my first day working with the project in the school. I was a little nervous, as Shyla and I had Yrs 9, 10, and 11! (and I’m only just about to start year 9 in September!) But I have to say that they are a really bright bunch of kids, who could confidently speak some English. They were very small classes, minimum 4 and maximum 8.
We were concentrating on fruit and numbers in the classes today, and playing games like “I went to the market and I bought...” We also did role play, Shyla and I being the fruit-sellers and the children the customers. They each had a pile of fake money, and had to order fruit asking for the price. They understood most of it really well, and seemed to find it great fun.
After the three lessons of the morning we went home, and freshened up before we went to the community centre, to visit Sister Concepta, and children that were performing in the show that they have been practicing for to show us. There was a misunderstanding with the date of the show, and now it’s on Friday instead, and so we went to visit the builders that were developing the new community centre, using the money that we had raised in England.
We also went to visit Athidiya, when my family and I came two years ago we were seeing the new houses on the other side of the river being built for the families that lived in the slums, and it was really heart lifting to see all of them so settled in their new homes, and recognising some if the children who went to the school.
I really enjoyed today working in the school and visiting Athidiya, and I’m really looking forward and excited to start the day tomorrow! 

Eliza, 13

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