Everything’s now drawing to a close: Eston Park are avoiding their packing, the last few exposures are being snapped and the aeroplane seating plan is the topic of much debate. We’re winding down the trip at a beach resort on the south coast, a lovely chance to walk on the beach, splash around in the pool and get a bit of a tan (or turn really pink...).
The last few days at the school went incredibly well. The mornings were drawing themselves to a natural close but the afternoons just got more exciting. Our ambitious decision to put on a play – Giraffes Can’t Dance – felt a bit daunting when we sat down to plan it but when we got going there was no looking back. It definitely wasn’t easy, especially for Team Giraffe where teenage moodiness resulted in a dramatic rebranding of ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’ to ‘Warthogs Can’t Dance’, especially problematic as we could only explain ‘warthog’ via the Lion King... Nonetheless, by the day of the performance all of the teams: Rhinos, Monkeys, Giraffes, Lions and Warthogs had rehearsed dances, learnt lines and made fantastic masks. On the Friday we gathered all the children together on the stage and they managed to produce an amazing performance. It wasn’t complicated and a few bits went wrong but everybody had such a great time doing their various dances and cheering each other on. It was amazing to see how much difference having a goal made to the structure and feel of the afternoons. Working towards something kept everyone motivated and we were able to produce something really special at the end (get ready to YouTube ‘Warthogs Can’t Dance’ and be impressed!)
As always, leaving the school was really sad, for both us and the children but, as always, it doesn’t end here. There will be more trips that this group can return on (and new people... hint hint hint) and loads of Asha stuff to keep up with and get involved with. It’s been a great trip, especially for me and Shyla who got to do in twice in one go! And it’s been so good because of the group’s enthusiasm; Katie, Glenn Jan, Andy, Danielle and Daryl’s ability to keep everyone smiling whilst still keeping them in line; Steve and Radhika’s dedication and passion; and especially because of the inspirational example set by people like Sister Concepta, Mrs V and all the team on this side of the ocean.
‘til next time...
PS - the blog done by the young people from Eston Park has had 1600 hits in the last two weeks - http://www.estonpark.co.uk/blog.asp