Saturday, 28 March 2009

they will faint no more

Yesterday afternnon I visited the school at Koallawella. We are presently supporting this school with a feeding programme and some tuition to help some of the student get through the O levels . The feeding programme has only been fully operational for about 2 months but already there;s been a big impact. Before 3 or 4 children would faint from hunger on a daily basis, but now no more fainting. Which is just brilliant . There's also those spin offs like better attendance at school and 2 women who cook the food and organise the children get a small allowance.. in one case this is enough to pay for the rent.
In the school grounds they remains 10 families who were displaced by the tsunami ... unemployment is very high and kids were clearly mal-nourished. One little girl ( in the yellow dress)is 8 looked but looks no more then 5. When you start to scratch only the surface the needs just keep on coming!!
In the morning I met Luckshmi who has recently set up a small centre for disabled kids- 5 of the kids we know from Athidiya are now placed there. Luckshmi has an infectious smile which is just so wide. She has a burning desire to enable these children develop and get somewhere towards Independence. The place is very under resourced but there's a lot of luv being spread around.

Friday, 27 March 2009

I have a dream.

Visited RCCI yesterday, I wonderful centre for children and young people with disabilities. They have 62 children, with a whole host of conditions and levels of disability. Asha Supports RCCI to work with 12 autistic children and teenagers. They have there own class , but now some have join other classes as they ''levels'' have improved, however they remains 5 highly needy children in the unit who basically receive one to one support.
It was so good to spend time talking to Shirannee the founder and head of the centre and get a greater understanding of how they work but also of the challenges in which they work not least the constant struggle for adequate funding. Clearly Shirannee passion is that this young people will be able to live independent lives, or as close to this as possible.
While I was there they had an assembly followed by PE. The young lady in the photo sung that classic song '' I have a dream''. Where would we be without a bit of Abba to lift the spirits.

Wednesday, 25 March 2009

Sister and Beulah says hello to you all... we seem to have spent a long time going through the list of names from Antony to tony... and everything in between , past the Nikki's and Dave's and Glenda's and Katherine's and . and..

Thy are both OK . Siter Concepta had been quite unwell before Christmas but is now up to speed and Beulah has some eye problem, so has limited vision in one eye right now. But should be OK although it may take a while.

They are still incredible busy... Sister now get over 60 children every evening at the Asha centre in Athidiya ,, they have spilled out into the kitchen. Sister jokingly said .. steve soon we will need a bigger place .. at least I thought it was jokingly, now i'm not so sure.
They are still full of ideas .. and still it's lack of time that stops them doing everything on the list. Tomorrow I have the official welcome at the Asha centre with a show and everything.. ohh lucky me!!
I'll let you know how that goes

Friday, 13 March 2009

Cant Wait to meet the good people

I'm off to Sri Lanka in about a weeks time... looking forward to seeing everyone again. I'll be visiting all the projects we have been supporting spending some time , seeing how we might support them in the future.
I'll attempt to make regular entry's on the blog... if you wish to get these direst to you email please click on ''subscribe t'' .
